My worst Flu ever

Friday, December 19, 2008
By keiji
Category: Life
I've been sick for almost two weeks, due to Flu (I think).
First seven days were relatively fine - usual cold symptoms. Of course, I got exhausted by that and took several sick leave and worked from home.
(Well, my wife and my little baby son got sick too, and we had terrible situation - having baby and sick parent is tough)

Eighth day, on Friday, I went back to the office to attend a meeting, as I thought I felt better and got recovered.

Then terrible thing happened.
I had high fever for five days straight, with coughing and running nose.

I thought I was going to die, as I usually don't get fever, not that long at least.

Well, anyway, now I feel better again and I think my immune system has finally overcome the virus.
I'm still feel exhausted - so I'm trying to get nutritious food and gain my body energy again.



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